In the past, cases of substance abuse were commonly linked to the adult population until the 1980’s when the world began to witness the spread of psychoactive use to the younger populations (World Health Organization (WHO) 2005). More cases of psychoactive substances abuse among adolescents have been reported in Nigeria. For instance, Azuike, Oni and Dirisu (2012), noted that substance abuse has gradually become a cause for concern due to the alarming increase rate of consumption that has been reported in the recent time.
In 2011, Nigeria was rated as the highest consumer of cannabis and amphetamines in Africa United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 2011). Similarly, in a large study of a representative sample of Nigeria adults, the following proportions of drug use were found: alcohol 58%, tobacco 17%, sedatives 14% and cannabis 3%, (Gureje, Degenhardt, Olley, Uwakwe, Udo?a, Wakil, Adeyemi, Bohnert, & Anthony 2007).
People abuse substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs for varied and complex reasons, but it is clear that several adverse effects accompany drug abuse not just on the users but on the entire society. For instance, the UNODC estimates that in 2010, 15.5 38.6 million people worldwide were problem drug users. It was further stated that around 200,000 people worldwide die each year drug- related deaths (UNODC, 2012). According to WHO (2011) 320,000 young people between the ages of 15-29 die from alcohol-related causes each year.