In order to get access to the microdata, the Data User agrees to abide by the following rules and conditions:
- a) The Data User agrees not to give or make the microdata available to any person or institution other than those listed in the Application form, which is an integral part of this Declaration. b) The data may be used for the Data User’s own research outlined in the application form. Use of the data for commercial or other purposes is strictly forbidden.
- c) The microdata will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations, or for targeting policies or actions towards specific population groups or geographic areas, or for creating or reinforcing existing discrimination, bias or stereotypes against specific population groups.
- d) Any activity aimed at de-anonymization of the microdata (identifying individuals or any other entity) is not permitted. Merging the microdata with other individual or household level data is allowed only after written approval from UNODC.
- e) The Data User is responsible for taking the necessary technical and organizational measures needed to ensure the protection of personal data.
- f) Upon completion of the project, the Data User must delete the microdata together with any extra back-up copies unless CRISA or UNODC obtains a satisfactory guarantee that the data can be securely stored and provides written authorization to the Data User to retain them.
- g) When publishing research findings, both the Data User and all persons listed in the Application Form must ensure that no information is released that allows for the identification of individual persons. h) When publishing any results from research based on the microdata, the Data User agrees to cite the source of the data in accordance with the Citation Requirement provided by UNODC. i) The Data User agrees to send an electronic copy of all reports and publications based on the microdata to CRISA and UNODC.
- If CRISA or UNODC agrees to provide the data, no fees will be charged to the Data User.
- UNODC, its project partners and relevant funding agencies bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
- UNODC reserves the right to a final decision in cases where disagreements arise over the right to use the dataset provided by UNODC. In case of breach of the terms of this Declaration, the right of use of the microdata will be immediately terminated and the applicant will be excluded from accessing UNODC microdata in future research projects.