Please follow the following guidelines in preparing your paper:

  1. Authors are required to prepare manuscripts in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition).
  1. All components of the manuscript should be double-spaced, including the title page, abstract, references, author(s) note, acknowledgement and appendixes.
  1. Authors are encouraged to keep manuscripts as concise as possible, with a length of 20 pages or less (Times New Romans, 12 font size), including tables, figures, and references. 
  1. Papers reporting empirical data should be structured as follows:

Title (in caps); Author(s) full name(s) and institutional affiliation(s); Abstract (up to 200 words in one paragraph with no subheadings); Introduction; Method; Results (insert all tables and figures in the appropriate locations within the main text); Discussion; References (these should be alphabetized – not numbered, exhaustive and complete); Acknowledgements and conflict of interest declaration (where applicable). 

  1. For review papers, some variation in the above structure is allowed.

All full papers should be submitted to Nsidibe Essien ( and copied to on or before deadline of 27 August 2021. Decisions on support to attend the conference will be made by the first week of September and will be based on the quality and salience of the paper.

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