According to Makanju (1993), the employment of drugs in sport comes under four heading: “(a) therapeutic usage in the treatment of ailments, (b) usage for-performance continuation purposes when athletes are incapacitated by injuries, (c) social and recreational use, and (d) usage for enhancement” (p. 56). Also out of the four divisions, only those of social/recreational use and performance enhancement has
Chapter 11: Causes and control of drug abuse by athletes by K. Venkateswarlu & Vehcit Dasha
The use of performance enhancing drugs in sports is only a recent manifestation of an old problem. Indians and Asian Indians, chewed ‘cocoa and other leaves‘. Australian aborigines ate ‘Pituri’ plant, Ancient Greeks used stimulants. These different people at different times used these substances for their stimulating and anti-fatiguing effects to enhance performance (Williams, 1974). Boxers used a mixture of
Chapter 12: Information dissemination in the control and treatment of substance abuse: the Theater therapy approach by Jacob Manase Agaku
Drug and substance abuse has become a common feature of the Nigerian nation. But the approach to information dissemination, control and treatment has been largely from a scientific or medical perspective. The causes of the malaise are many and show that the social environment plays a greater role in causing and sustaining the problem. What is needed to control this
Chapter 13: The changing nature of drug laws and drug law enforcement in Nigeria by Sam Obadiah Smah
There is a compelling need to control the use of drugs, alcohol and other forms of psychoactive substances by individuals and groups in a given population over time. There are two approaches to this – one relates to demand reduction activities and the other that relates to the international interdiction activities of and by citizens of a country. Thus, drug use
Chapter 14: Nigeria’s drug laws and policy: implications for drug abuse prevention and control by Etannibi E. O. Alemika
There has been a growing involvement of Nigerians in the production, distribution, use and abuse of illicit drugs during the past four decades. This has led to the enactment of drug control laws by Nigeria’s successive governments. However, the drug control laws and policy have not produced the desired result of curbing the production, trafficking and abuse of dangerous drugs and
Chapter 15: Social change, urbanization and drug use among Nigerian youth by Isidore S. Obot
Interest in drug abuse as a. social problem area began with the observation, among mental health experts, that many of the young people admitted into psychiatric hospitals because of psychotic reactions had been involved with Cannabis. Data collected from patient files were published affirming the observation that cannabis use was associated with psychosis (Asuni, 1964; Lambo, 1965; Boroffka, 1966). Most
Chapter 16: Rapid situation assessment by Moruf Adelekan
Rapid assessment and response (RAR) is a means for delineating the extent and nature of social and health problems. An immediate response to the identified needs is an integral part of the assessment. Rapid situation assessment is the application of RAM to specific problems in specific locations. Needs assessment is the systematic appraisal of the type, depth and scope of a