Although Malawi is one of the countries experiencing serious HIV and AIDS epidemic, its population has grown from 9.9 million in 1998 to 13.1 million in 2008 representing a 32% increase (National Statistical Office, 2008). This is a complete defiance of the worst HIV and AIDS prognosis which indicated that the growth rate for the Malawi population will decline to
Chapter 12: Influence of gender, parental family type, residential area and locus of control on illicit drug involvement among drug users in selected motor parks in Ibadan by Abiodun M. Lawal
Illicit drug use has been linked with a number of social problems like robbery, violence and youth restiveness experienced today in Nigeria. The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency and other empirical research findings point to the increasing number of young persons involved in drug use in Nigeria (NDLEA: 2007). The need for Governments to invest adequately in the country’s health
Chapter 11: Influence of sensation-seeking and impulsivity on drug use among youths in Ibadan by Anastasia O. Aguiyi, Kayode O. Taiwo, Helen O. Osinowo, Mfon E. Ineme, Iboro, F. A. Ottu & Olugbenga M. Akinlabi
Psychological drug research field has currently proposed trait and cognitive explanations in the prediction of drug misuse (Jorge, 2006). Personality traits have long been known to be associated with drug use and/or misuse. From disinhibition personality models, Impulsivity and sensation seeking personality variables were implicated. Sensation seeking (SS) and Impulsivity, two highly similar indicators of the construct of disinhibition personality
Chapter 13: Influence of self-perception of alcohol use on differential relationship maintenance among married persons by Iboro F. A. Ottu, Helen O. Osinowo, Annasthesia O. Aguiyi, Kayode O. Taiwo, Michaei O. Akinlabi & Mfon E. Inerne
Throughout evolutionary history, the maintenance of long-term mating relationships has played an important role in human reproductive processes (Maner, Rouby &Gonzaga, 2008). Maintaining commitment to a current long-term partner has a lot of benefits (Gonzaga, Keltner, Londabl, & Smith, 2001). For example, compared to the offspring of many other mammals, human offspring have benefited from high levels of investment from
Chapter 14: Sexual victimization, partner aggression and alcohol consumption by Akanidomo Ibanga
In recent history there has been considerable attention focused on issues of childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual victimization. This may in part be due to the efforts to address related issues of sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, commercial sexual exploitation of women, and child! human trafficking. Issue of this nature have at one level increased the need for a clearer
Chapter 15: Gender locus of control and undergraduates‘ smoking habit by Gboyega E. Abikoye & Adetutu Fusigboye
According to the World Health Organization’s Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic (WHO, 2008), smoking is the single most preventable cause of death in the world. In 2008, tobacco smoking was estimated to have killed more than five million people — more than tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malaria combined; and by 2030, it is projected that the death toll will exceed
Chapter 16: Injecting drug abuse and HIV/AIDS in Kenya by David M. Ndetei, Anne W, Mbwayo & Victoria Mutiso
Of the 134 countries where drug injecting was confirmed in 1999, 114 reported a relationship with HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS, 1999). In 1995, it was estimated that 5-10% of all HIV/AIDS cases worldwide were due to injecting drugs of abuse through the use and sharing of contaminated needles and syringes (WHO. 1995). A multi-centre seroprevalence study in Canada at needle exchange sites found
Chapter 17: Socio-demographic characteristics and personality profiles of patients with substance use disorders by Mfon E. Ineme, Helen O. Osinowo, Rachel B. Asagba, Kayode O. Taiwo, Imisioluwa O. Ibikunle, Iboro F. A. Ottu, Onyeye A. Aguiyi, Michael O. Akinlabi & Akin O. Akinhanmi
Substance abuse remains one of the leading anti-social behaviours the world over. In many societies it is viewed as a leading cause of violence among individuals and groups. To the respective individuals, it has been a major cause of physiological illnesses such as liver, cardiovascular and cranial problems (Kazimir, 2010). It has exposed many to the risk of auto accidents
Chapter 18: Sexual risk behaviours among patients admitted for substance use disorder and schizophrenia in a psychiatric hospital in Lagos, Nigeria by Veronica O. Nyamali, Olufemi Morakinyo & Rahmaan Lawal
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). the virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has become one of the most serious healths and development challenges (Kaiser 2009). In spite of the enormous work carried out on its etiology, mode of transmission and treatment, HIV infection has continued its global spread. There were 33.4 million people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in 2008, up
Chapter 19: Assessment of co-occurring substance related disorders and mental illness among psychoactive substance users by Gloria S. Karuri, Gray G. Ejikeme & Andrew Zamani
Substance related disorders and mental illness are ailments that have been with man since the days of old. The use of psychoactive substances dates back to the primitive age when man experimented with herbs and roots for survival, both as food and medicament. While the harmless ones were chosen for food, those with psychoactive properties were kept for social and