Chapter 3: Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of alcohol use disorders among HIV patients by Suwa G. Goar. Moses D. Audu, Michael T. Agbir & Edward Dachalson


The rate of alcohol consumption is high among individuals living with HIV/AIDS. People who abuse alcohol are more likely than the general population to contract HIV (Brown & Wechsberg, 2010; Kalichman, Simbayi, Kaufman, et al., 2007; Petry, 1999). Similarly, HIV infected individuals are more likely to abuse alcohol and other
substances at some time during their lives (Lefvre, Brian, Maureen et al., 1995). Studies have consistently shown that alcohol use is related to high risk sexual behaviour through multiple reasons. For example multiple sex partners, unprotected inter-course and sex with high risk partners (Audu, Bankat, Enejoh, Umar, & Goar, 2009; Avins, Woods, Lindan, et al., 2000; Boscarino, Avins, Woods, et al., 1995; Malow, Devieux, Jennings et aI., 2001). High rates of risky sexual practices have been reported among adolescents (Grunbaum, Kann, Kinchen, et al., 2002) and may be correlated with alcohol consumption (Malow et al., 2001). There may be many factors for this association, some of which include expectations regarding the effects of alcohol on sexual arousal and performance, reduced inhibitions and diminish risk perceptions (Cooper, 2002; Fromme, D’Amico, E, & Katz, 1999;
McDonald, MacDonald, G., Zanna, & Fongi, 2000).
