Chapter 8: Alcohol related problems, family type and youth HIV/AIDS risk behaviour by Okokon O. Umoh & Udoudo J. Umoh
Across the world. between 35 – 45 million people are living with HIV and AIDS ( United Nations Agency for International Development, UNAID report, 2005). Of this number, about 25.5 million live in the African continent. So far, more than 13million of them have died of this disease. South Africa is the region with highest (67%) HIV infection (Parry, 2010). Nigeria has the third largest population of people living with HIV/AIDS in the world after India and South Africa. The prevalence rate in Nigeria has been on the increase from 1.8% in 1991, through 5.4% in 1999, to 4.4% in 2005 (Federal Ministry of Health Sentinel Survey Report, 1999; 2005).
Youth make up the largest segment of the population that is particularly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS (World Health Organization, WHO report, 2006). Altogether, 50% of HIV transmission takes place among those aged 15-24, accounting for 5,000-6,000 youth becoming infected daily(WHO, 2006). The preceding evidence, associating a large number of youth with HIV/AIDS transmission could be explained by the higher tendency and frequency with which they get involved in HIV/AIDS risk behaviour. Youth risk behavior are those responses, actions and for activities that increase the actor(s) probability of contracting or transmitting HIV/AIDS (Umoh, 2003). Such behaviours include having unprotected sexual intercourse, having multiple sex partners, sharing injection needles and other body piercing devices.